Marian’s highly anticipated debut album is finally here!

The Lord Reigns: Songs & Hymns To Live By
Christian recording artist Marian Mihas creates her own niche of praise and worship music by singing while playing the concert grand harp.
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Just a Little Blog and Devotional
I was so blessed to get to attend the Breathe Writer’s Conference once again this year! The speakers and classes were amazing! One speaker called it a feast and that’s exactly how it felt! I was stuffed full of great thoughts and encouragement! I think it’s going to take me a few days to digest it all! I’d like to share the highlights over the next few days, but the one that stands out is that we need to approach our writing with the view point of a missionary. We don’t have to worry about who will accept it–or not. We are simply called to be faithful in our writing and let the Lord take care of the results! ... read moreDon’t Forget The Most Important Thing
I will not forget your Word.–Psalm 119:16 I forgot my cell phone today. At times during my day, it was inconvenient to have to use a landline when it would have been so much faster and quicker to just make a call with my cell phone. While forgetting my cell phone was a minor nuisance, forgetting God’s word is another matter. Without it, I lose my sense of direction and don’t know which way to go. With it, I have a clear purpose for living. I need to be intentional about making God’s word the main priority of my life. It’s not really the top priority or one of the top ten on a list of important things to do daily to be successful. Rather, it’s the main one of all. That means everything else in my life is filtered through it. It permeates and saturates all the other priorities so that God’s word infuses every part of my life. It’s kind of like baking a cake. That aroma of an almost-finished cake seeps through the house and fills every room so that it beckons me to find my way to the kitchen and have a slice as soon as it comes out of the oven. That’s how God’s word should overwhelm us with it’s goodness and sweetness. It should have an undeniable impact on literally every aspect of our lives. It’s daily as well as moment-by-moment living that follows the Lord’s ways. It’s constantly abiding within the plan of God. And it organically becomes an overriding influence on my Christian walk so that it all naturally aligns with God’s word. A follower of Jesus that... read moreHow We Remember The Fish
How we remember the fish that we used to eat in Egypt for free! And the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic!–Numbers 11:5 The Israelites could only remember the amazing fish in Egypt. Their selective memory glamorized the few good times without speaking the whole truth about the horrible treatment they received from their oppressors. Instead of being grateful for the manna from God, they continually grumbled about this heavenly food that the Lord delivered practically right at their doorsteps. Talk about a fresh, healthy, and definitely, organic diet! How easily I can adopt their same attitude of discontentment and criticism. Whenever I feel the need to complain, I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict me on the spot and remind of the Lord’s unending loving-kindness, which is the Hebrew, “chesed”. God has always been faithful to me and He only deserves my highest praise! Ingratitude and complaining have no place in the life of a child of God. Prayer for today: Dear Heavenly Father: You are full of compassion and mercy in all You do. Everything Your hand provides is a blessing. It’s undeserved. Forgive me if I should ever look back and imagine a life far from You that might bring satisfaction and happiness. True joy is found only in pursuing a daily walk that fears the Lord. May my every word, thought, action, and decision glorify Your holy name. In Jesus’ name I ask all this,... read moreBooking Marian
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